Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Goose Island Root Beer

Goose Island Root Beer
WIT Beverage Co. California (Goose Island Brewery, Chicago, IL.)
Purchased at Jungle Jim’s, Fairfield, OH.

It’s Wednesday and somehow that was enough reason to choose Goose Island Root Beer to review. When I first heard Goose Island made a root beer I was pretty excited. Oh my God, I was excited about root beer. What a freak. Some time ago I lived in Chicago long enough to get robbed, stabbed in the back by a couple employers, unfortunately own a cat, and have the opportunity to go to the Goose Island Brewery.

The brewery was a really cool experience. It was back in the day before micro brewery restaurants were common place hang outs for the cool kids who are now turning adult but don’t want to let go of their coolness. I don’t even know why I was there. I couldn’t afford micro brews or dinner for that matter. Must’ve been on the business account. Back to the beer. It was a really good beer and there were some nice varieties to choose from. Beyond that, the design of the pub was very classic and comfortable and then there’s the name, I love a good name and logo and they had both.

At the time there was no mention of sodas anywhere and it wasn’t until a couple weeks ago that a friend mentioned that Goose Island makes root beer.  To my surprise, on my last venture to a local market called Jungle Jim’s (no relation) I saw some and grabbed a four pack at a very reasonable cost. Like I said before, they have a good name and this time a different logo but very nice. The logo is simple and reminds me of old road signs and something else nice like that.

Anyway, I’ve gone on way too long about this. It’s a good root beer. By no means is it a great one. They claim it is “Chicago Style”. That sounds cool but doesn’t make it taste any better. If it were a great root beer I would look up what “Chicago Style” means (maybe it means you get the feeling you’ve been robbed, screwed by your boss, and own a cat). It’s a sweet, not too bubbly root beer, and doesn’t really have a strong finish. I would buy it again just for my connection with the Goose but if not for that I would leave it on the Island.

I give the Goose a 2 pack rating.

Here's what's inside.

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