Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fentimans Ginger Beer

Fentimens Ginger Beer
UK, Imported through Canada
Purchased at Cost Plus World Market, Columbus Ohio

Great classic bottle, labeling, and history (see There are visible chunks of ginger and a cloudy sediment in the bottle. That sounds like a bad thing but most Ginger Beers have this to some extent. Here goes! Has a slight fruity and heavy ginger smell, good taste, strong ging.., WHOAW WHAT THE HELL IS THAT… this thing bites back. I’m talkin’ about something going on with my tongue right now. On the roof of my mouth and with every exhale there is like some kind of … some…. what do I call it…. not spicy hot … not hot … but kind of a sight sting. I respect that! A ginger that bites back. Uhm.  That could get interesting.  Back to the beverage though. It’s not like a regular ginger ale or any such the thing. This will be drunk with purpose. I would not advise that you consume this beverage in the middle of a public address. You’ll need to catch your breath after each swig. And I did let out an expletive after the first taste or two. HooHa! Just hold on tight for your first taste and take a deep breath. This would also make for a great mixer for drinks. I would highly recommend keeping this behind the bar if that is your thing.

According to a letter on the Fentimans web site this Ginger Beer has amazing anti nausea properties. To the extent that it alleviates/cures the nauseating effects of chemotherapy. I fortunately cannot attest to that but if you know someone in that boat you might let them know.

What's in it?

I give this one a 4 for the overall experience and taste. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Rat Bastard Root Beer

Rat Bastard Root beer
Real soda in real bottles 310-327-1700 (California)
Purchased at Jungle Jim’s, Fairfield, OH.

This is quite the original tasting concoction. The label not only says “Rat Bastard Root Beer” but adds things such as “spread your lips and ingest” & “makes you feel like something you’re not”. The caps are also interesting. One says “Whatever we tell you to believe is most likely the truth” and another “We could be kosher for Passover if a rabbi would bless us!” 

It’s called a root beer so I will treat it as such. There is A LOT of stuff in this compared to the usual root beer. They Package a bunch of crazy herbs into an “herbal blend”. This makes it very herby of course but the strongest that surface are clove and a bit of ginseng. There very well may be others that can be tasted but I have no clue what they taste like. All this on top of the root beer taste.
I hate to admit it but I find the name Rat Bastard endearing. I certainly wouldn’t drink this all the time (who knows if it would preserve me or kill me) but I would keep a few in the fridge.

I give it a 3 pack (or Rat Pack) rating.

What's in it?